Quiz of the Day
Quiz Guidelines
- Click on attempt quiz login using: - Your IAN Membership Number (Please enter only the digits, without 0 at the beginning eg. LM-91 enters 91)
- Your Email id OR Mobile Number registered with IAN
- This is a daily quiz
- Each question will be available for 24 hours to answer beginning at 12 AM and ending at 11.59 PM India Time
- Questions are in MCQ format
- Once you submit the answer, you will not be allowed to re-submit
- After submitting your answer you will see the correct answer and also an explanation and reference for the same
- High bandwidth internet connectivity is best suited for a Quiz, ensuring the same shall remain solely, your responsibility.
Quiz of the Day Committee:
Dr Rahul Kulkarni
Dr Achal Srivastava
Dr Sita Jayalakshmi
Dr Sumit Singh
Dr Gagandeep Singh
President, IAN
Dr U. Meenakshisundaram
Secretary, IAN